XML Schema for XML Schemas 1.0
25 Jul 2021, 19:46:05
Namespace Summary
elements (top-level / other; 41 global + 28 local), complexTypes (35), simpleTypes (55), element groups (12), attribute groups (2)
Schema Summary
About the XML namespace This schema document describes the XML namespace, in a form suitable for import by other schema documents.
Target Namespace:
Defined Components:
Default Namespace-Qualified Form:
Local Elements: unqualified; Local Attributes: unqualified
Schema Location:
http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd; see XML source
Imported by Schemas (1):
Part 1 version: Id: structures.xsd,v 1.2 2004/01/15 11:34:25 ht Exp Part 2 version: Id: datatypes.xsd,v 1.3 2004/01/23 18:11:13 ht Exp
Target Namespace:
Defined Components:
elements (top-level / other; 41 global + 28 local), complexTypes (35), simpleTypes (55), element groups (12), attribute groups (2)
Default Namespace-Qualified Form:
Local Elements: qualified; Local Attributes: unqualified
Default Block Attribute:
"#all" (blocks all substitutions of elements and their types both through substitution groups and xsi:type attribute in instance XML documents)
Schema Location:
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd; see XML source
Imports Schemas (1):

XML schema documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML XSDDoc 2.9.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.