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Uses of Package
Packages that use javax.xml.catalog
Provides the classes for implementing XML Catalogs OASIS Standard V1.1, 7 October 2005.
The Catalog class represents an entity Catalog as defined by XML Catalogs, OASIS Standard V1.1, 7 October 2005.
The CatalogFeatures holds a collection of features and properties.
A Catalog Resolver that implements SAX EntityResolver, StAX XMLResolver, DOM LS LSResourceResolver used by Schema Validation, and Transform URIResolver, and resolves external references using catalogs.

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FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0
Demo Java Doc

Java API documentation generated with FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0 using JavadocClassic 3.0 template set.
FlexDoc/Javadoc is a template-driven programming tool for rapid development of any Javadoc-based Java API documentation generators (i.e. doclets). If you need to customize your Javadoc without writing a full-blown doclet from scratch, FlexDoc/Javadoc may be the only tool able to help you! Find out more at