eBay Trading API
Version 1359

simpleType "ConditionEnabledCodeType"
Derived By:
restriction of token
in ebaySvc.wsdl/Schema
Simple Content Model
enumeration of token
Simple Content Restrictions:
This value indicates that Condition IDs are disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
This value indicates that Condition IDs are enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
This value indicates that Condition IDs are required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
Enumerated type that defines the values used to indicate whether Condition IDs are enabled/disabled for all/most of a site's categories (SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled), or enabled/required/disabled for a specific eBay category (Category.ConditionEnabled).
Referenced By
Type Definition Detail
Type Derivation Tree
token (restriction)

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.14 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 2.0 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.